Best Ways to Care for Your Dog When it is Realllllly Hot Out!

Summer is here and the temperatures are rising! Many of us like to enjoy the outdoors and taking our puppy pals with us on trips. However, we all need to make sure we look out for man's best friend especially on those hot days. Here are some tips for the summer heat: Don't leave any pet unattended in vehicles. Yes, we all should know this already- animals left unattended in vehicles for long periods of time in the summer heat is just...... dumb. I really don't get how you can be that dumb and careless to keep anything living in a car. Did you know on a 75 degree day, the car can get up to 115 degrees! Puppy paws are sensitive- so keep them cool. Yes, we all think- its a dog, they are made for all types of climate and their paws are made of steel! Not true at all- in fact, walking on hot surfaces such as asphalt can be way too hot for dogs to walk on. Take this into consideration-- if it is too hot for you, it is too hot fo...