Our Children and the Two Dogs- Double Dog Run Family

The Things Our Children Do for their Two Dogs

Over the weekend we needed to get the dogs some food.  

Our son was insistent on carrying the bag through the store, even though we had a cart he could put it in. 
We said, "Axl- there is a cart right here."  
He responded, "No, I am going to carry this bag for my dogs.  It is for them."  
His face started turning red as he struggled to pick  it up.  He got it up onto his shoulder like he had seen me do many times.  Nervous about this venture and my son's determination to really carry this bag, I stood behind him to be sure all was ok.

I got a firm look from Axl and he stated he was all good now, so I walked a few steps ahead awaiting was will happen….

He continued…"Yeah… see… I am going to carry this for my dogs…….see…."

His mom and I were busy talking about something on the shelf 
and turned around to find him ….
He repeated, "No, no… I got it…."

"No really, I'm good…"

It made me think about how much kids care about their dogs and how important they are to them. The dogs have given our children tons of love and cuddles on sick days; and lots of licks and barks on all the other days-- thanks pups!  I think we will count this attempt to carry the dog food through the store an honorary event in the family.


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